Building the Ultimate Travel Shaving Kit

Traveling is almost always a pleasant experience, but if you’re on the road for days or weeks at a time, it’s hard to figure out what you can bring with you that’ll make you feel at home no matter where you’re staying.
That’s where a leather shaving bag makes all the difference.
Sometimes called a dopp kit, these bags are built specifically to handle the demands of shaving while on the road. They help every man look his best while traveling for business, weddings, or even vacation. And for those getting married, they make great groomsmen gifts.
Here at Lifetime Leather, we provide you with the opportunity to build the ultimate travel shaving kit – one that’ll have you looking your best no matter where you’re at. The secret lies in great, high-quality leather that doesn’t get harmed by your razor.
Don’t forget the shaving cream, soap, or butter, either. With places like the Mod Cabin making quality shaving supplies and hygiene products, there are plenty of shaving options to choose from. Whatever you like to use to help shave fits perfectly into any of the dopp kits we make. And in the event of a spill, you don’t have to worry about it ruining your leather dopp bag.
Now that you have a general idea of what you can use it for – and how – take a look at this infographic to get step-by-step instructions on building the ultimate travel shaving kit.
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